Sophisticated! Remove Traces Presence on the Internet with One Click

Given the number of cases of crime in the virtual world, it is not likely you feel worried. Moreover, if you create an account on the Internet a lot, certainly worry about the data you share over there, right?

It is not impossible you wish to delete all your account on the Internet. Definitely take some time and you do not necessarily remember a list anywhere, right?

But still, now you can know how to remove a presence on the Internet is just a click!

Benefits Of How To Erase Presence on the Internet

Capitalized email account that you registered for an account on the Internet, cyber criminals can easily steal information about you. Spooky is not it? So, be careful to make an account on the Internet. And it's good to remove accounts that you no longer use. But, what if we forget the ever registered on the website and any application?

How to Remove All Accounts on the Internet with One Click

To facilitate you remove all your existing account on the Internet, Wille Dahlbo and Linus Unnebäck create Deseat.Me. This is a tracks eraser and information services on the Internet. How to use it:

  • Open of the browser. This website works by reading the history of the registration on the Internet using Google email account is yours. 
Sophisticated! Remove Traces Presence on the Internet with One Click

  •  Furthermore, please login with a Google account the data you want to delete.
    Sophisticated! Remove Traces Presence on the Internet with One Click
    •  Once inside, you will be presented how many accounts you have with email on the Internet.
    • Click the Add to Queue Delete if you want to delete, and click the Keep if you want to leave it.
Sophisticated! Remove Traces Presence on the Internet with One Click
Sophisticated! Remove Traces Presence on the Internet with One Click
  •  If so, click Delete deh. And automatically the existence of yourself on the website or the application will be lost.

How? Easy, right? how to delete a presence on the internet by using Deseat.Me will take approximately one hour. Much faster than if you have to remove one-on-one through the Linked Site is not it? Good luck!
